Our Facility:
Unique Granite & Marble has always been upgrading and expanding our manufacturing facility. When we began we were using little more than skill saws for cutting stone and hand grinders for edging it. Starting out our customers would have to go to Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis, or farther in order to view the stone we were using, now we have our own storage with more than 600 slabs and over 2800 remnants to choose from.

Now we have expanded to a state of the art bed polisher allowing us to polish, hone, and leather stone to perfection. This allows us to choose the exact amount of texture to put on a slab so it comes off with the correct feel and shine.

With our twin table sawjet we are able to cut the exact pieces needed rather than strictly rectangles; this allows for less wasted material, more consistency, and the ability to cut unique shapes. All of this means we have more usable material, more ability to customize, and less time lost.

After being cut, the stone goes to one of two CNC tables to put the perfect edge on your countertop. Using a CNC also guarantees a consistent edge. This is done with the aid of water to cool as a spinning bit puts the correct groove on the edge. Then each piece is hand inspected to ensure quality.